
Containment and Alchemy

Aug 31, 2017

by John Thompson 

Containment is a holding, an allowing- it's a muscle. It stops energy acting in or acting out,...

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Circling: How to Party Well & Grow While Doing It

Jun 28, 2017

by Jordan Myska Allen

The following essay was just published in the German Integrale Perspektiven...

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Everything is Radiant, Everything is Empty

Jun 20, 2017

Everything is Radiant,
Everything is Empty

Innocence, Sin, and the Power of Circling

by Jordan Myska Allen

Our kitchen...

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This is your communityā€¦ a rallying cry for conscious self-organization

Jun 20, 2017

by Jordan Myska Allen

I’ve seen people I love and respect “gracefully bow-out,” when they...

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On Surrender

Jun 13, 2017

After leading this for many years, it's rare for John to find the words to express what Surrendered Leadership is...

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'I'm Disappointed in Your Leadership'

May 12, 2017

A Circling Vignette

The Feedback: I'm Disappointed in Your Leadership

Last night after a two hour, public Circling...

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CirclingEurope on

Mar 09, 2017

We're delighted to be featured on Millennials, Here's Why You're Dissatisfied At Work

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Ep:72 Circling: A Guide To Presence, Connection, & Authenticity with Circling Europe's Founders

Mar 09, 2017

Check out this 35 min interview—streaming with the player below, available here, and on iTunes.

  • Jordan...
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What is Circling?

Mar 05, 2017

It’s been 3 years in the making but finally we have a video that captures a bit of what Circling is!

It's been...

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